Writing slope box. Regency, Georgian, Victorian
Victorian rosewood writing slopeSOLD Victorian rosewood writing slope. Victorian rosewood writing slope with brass inlay decoration and secret drawers. |
Campaign rosewood writing boxSOLD Mid 1800’s large campaign style rosewood writing box in fine condition. Circa 1840 |
Regency Rosewood writing slopeSOLD Regency Rosewood writing slope. A superb and in wonderful condition - antique - Regency c1840s - mahogany with veneer rosewood. |
Victorian walnut writing slope with mother of pearl decorationSOLD Victorian walnut writing slope. A superb and in wonderful condition - antique - Victorian c1880s - SOLD |
Georgian Campaign writing box. Circa 1810Georgian mahogany campaign writing box. Circa 1810
Rosewood and mother of pearl writing slope boxSOLD Rosewood and mother of pearl writing slope Circa 1840 SOLD |
Mahogany Tea Cady box. c.1870SOLD Victorian dated from 1870. Veneered in highly figured mahogany with a rounded coromandel.
Victorian walnut writing slopeSOLD Victorian walnut writing slope. Victorian walnut writing slope with brass inlay decoration and secret drawers.
Victorian Walnut Writing SlopeSOLD Victorian Walnut Writing Slope Antique Writing slope/Writing box -good condition -needs some simple restoration SOLD |
Exceptional Regency Mahogany Triple Opening Writing BoxSOLD Regency triple fold mahogany writing box in exceptional condition. Circa 1810 SOLD |
Victorian rosewood and mother of pearl boxSOLD Victorian rosewood and mother of pearl box. C 1840 |
Walnut tunbridge ware writing slope boxSOLD
A Victorian Walnut Writing Slope box Tunbridge ware. C. 1870 SOLD |
31 - 60 of 62 results |